Congratulations to Our Healthcare Hero - ECHO Associates

Congratulations to Our Healthcare Hero

Christie Beausoleil, Assistant Practice Manager, was recently recognized as a Healthcare Hero. She was nominated by Practice Administrator, Anne Slam, who shares that when it comes to patient-directed generosity, Christie is one of the most selfless individuals that you will ever meet.

The staff consistently turn to her to help patients who are struggling financially so she can help with assistance – whether it be financial assistance, a meal, or a ride. In 2021, Christie was able to secure over a million dollars in funding for patients and families in need. Her persistence continues to assist the most vulnerable of our population.

Not only has Christie been a light to our patients, but she always comes to work each day with a positive, upbeat approach to the many challenges she encounters.  The best word to describe her is steadfast. She is steadfast in her mission to provide the best care and service for ECHO patients. She is steadfast in her support of ECHO employees, providing mentorship, education, and guidance in a kind and compassionate manner. She is consistent and reliable in everything she does and ECHO is so incredibly lucky to have her.