Dr. Kapur Discuss the Importance of Clinical Trials - ECHO Associates

Dr. Kapur Discuss the Importance of Clinical Trials

May is National Clinical Trials Month. During this month’s CPAN Advocacy Chat, Rose Gerber, COA’s Director of Patient Advocacy and Education, was joined by our very own Dinesh Kapur, MD.

Patients and physicians have one of the most trusting relationships in health care, and that trust provides community oncologists with the opportunity to discuss the value and misconceptions around clinical trials. These discussions can range from the basics of patient safety to more advanced concerns, such as understanding informed consent documents and the role of Institutional Review Boards.

 In addition to discussing the basics of clinical trials, Dr. Kapur provided insight into the evolution of clinical trials and how access to clinical trials at community based practices can benefit patients with cancer.

This event wad part of the virtual CPAN Advocacy Chats series – short, monthly educational webinars on key cancer issues and the policies that impact them. Each month will feature a new topic and special guests joining us. Patients, survivors, caregivers, and other cancer care advocates are all invited to join us for these free, interactive, virtual events!