Dr. Susan Catherine Johnson

June 2016 – present
Lecturer at the University of Rhode Island and University of Connecticut regarding genomics and application to patient care.
June 2006 – present
Director of Research at Eastern Connecticut Hematology and Oncology Associates, Norwich, CT. Responsibilities include the following: 1) establishing databases of our cancer patient population, 2) assessing feasibility of clinical trials for oncology and supportive care in the oncology setting, 3) budget negotiations with pharmaceutical companies and vendors providing radiologic, pathologic, and hematologic testing for our study participants and appropriate management of these funds, 4) supervision of Regulatory and Study Coordinators, 5) overseeing regulatory processes and meeting with monitors and auditors for clinical studies, 6) establishing standard operations protocols for the Research Department, 7) development and implementation of screening programs to invite patients to participate in clinical trials, 8) development of marketing strategies and advertisements to provide patients with a greater number of options for the treatment of cancer and 8) Research Coordinator for the Cancer Committee at our healthcare system. Present emphasis on genomic tumor analysis and targeting “actionable” aberrations with drug treatment. Mechanisms for matching drug treatment with genomic aberrations (mutations, amplifications, translocations, etc.) with targeted therapy include participation in clinical trials, single patient INDs and utilizing FDA drugs for non-FDA approved indications.
Coordination and implementation of physician dispensing pharmacy for oncolytic and supportive care in Eastern Ct Hematology and Oncology private physician office practice.
September 2005 – present
Consultant in establishment and implementation of anticoagulation clinics. The services offered include: 1) presenting of concept to medical staff to garner support for the development of a clinic, 2) presenting clinical data/outcome data from a successful clinic as well as a comprehensive literature search to support the clinical benefits of a clinic, 3) presenting proven financial feasibility, 4) discussing overhead requirements: space, equipment, personnel, etc., 5) addressing legal issues, physician oversight, identification of a Medical Director for the Anticoagulation Clinic, 6) educating anticoagulation clinic staff (two phases: didactic with case presentations and practice in live setting), and 7) collaborating with Quality Assurance/Improvement to measure success of clinic (E.g. comparison of number of hospital admissions for complications associated with warfarin for clinic managed patients vs. traditionally managed patients, % of clinic patients within therapeutic range, % of clinic patients experiencing adverse events, patient satisfaction survey analysis, etc.). To date, four clinics are established and operating as well as several on-going projects.
August 1990 – September 2005
Coordinator, Clinical Services, William W. Backus Hospital, Norwich Connecticut. This newly created position is designed to introduce and implement clinical services in a community hospital. A primary goal is staff development and physician education to ensure optimal pharmacotherapy with continuity of patient care. Responsibilities include development of educational packages, providing drug information, preparation and presentation of committee materials, as well as pharmacokinetic and pharmacotherapy consultations An essential component is the development, implementation, and monitoring of programs which provide patients with the very best (most efficacious, safest, and least costly) therapy. Accomplishments which have significantly improved patient outcomes and decreased expenditures for drug therapy include 1) introduction of a restricted antimicrobial formulary, 2) optimizing thrombolysis for acute myocardial infarction, 3) development and implementation of a heparin dosing protocol, 4) dosing algorithms for erythropoietin, iron dextran, and calcitriol in the Hemodialysis Unit, 5) sedation protocols, 6) establishing a profitable outpatient anticoagulation clinic, 7) developing and implementing a program for transition from parenteral to oral therapy, 8) developing and implementing a renal dosing program encompassing patients greater than 65 years or age as well as the critically ill, and 9) developing and implementing standard protocols for coronary diagnoses (AMI, ACS, CHF) and sedation in the critical care unit. Another focus of the position is preparing for successful JCAHO reviews.
June 1991 ‑ present
Assistant Clinical Professor, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut. Responsibilities include developing and implementing a clinical clerkship program for sixth year pharmacy students in the community hospital setting. Students may select from the following areas of pharmacotherapy: cardiovascular/intensive care, infectious disease, general medicine, nutritional support, anticoagulation and/or psychopharmacology.
March 1989 ‑ March 1990
Drug Information Fellow, University of Rhode Island Drug Information Center, Roger Williams General Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island. The fellowship was designed to provide advanced training in drug information practice in the academic, community, and institutional settings. The goal of the program was to provide an environment where the fellow would develop a mastery of knowledge and an expert level of competency in skills in the areas of drug literature retrieval and analysis, pharmacy information services, and drug information service administration and management.
December 1988 ‑ December 1990
Consultant Pharmacist, Behavioral Medicine Clinic, Joseph H. Ladd Center (State of Rhode Island institution for the profoundly retarded), Exeter, Rhode Island. In this position I was a member of an interdisciplinary team of health professionals which provides optimal pharmacotherapy and behavioral therapies to patients refractory to previous treatment options.
August 1988 ‑ November 1988
Interim Clinical Pharmacist/Professor, Veterans’ Administration Medical Center, Providence, Rhode Island for the University of Rhode Island. Responsibilities included precepting fifth year pharmacy students during clinical clerkship, active participation in Residents’ Morning Report, providing drug information and pharmacokinetic services to the hospital.
March 1982 ‑ July 1991
Consultant Pharmacist, West View Nursing Home, West Warwick, Rhode Island. Position includes: review of medication regimens of 120 patients to evaluate present care, teach continuing education to nursing professionals, drug information specialist, and participation in the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. Recommendations are made concerning efficacy of medications, dose of medication, timing of medication administration, ordering laboratory tests to monitor disease states and medications, and the need to add or discontinue medications to optimize patient care.
March 1982 ‑ August 1986
Pharmacist, Joseph H. Ladd Center, Exeter, Rhode Island. Responsibilities included supervision of pharmacy technicians, implementation of a unit dose system, educational instruction to other health professionals, drug information specialist, participation in Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Infection Control Committee, and Behavioral Medicine Clinic.
May 1983 ‑ August 1986
Warwick Neck Pharmacy, Warwick, Rhode Island.
December 1981 ‑ May 1982
Pharmacist, Rumford Pharmacy, Rumford, Rhode Island
Certified Anticoagulation Provider, 1999
Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist, 1993
Fellowship in Drug Information, University of Rhode Island Drug Information Center, 1990
Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Rhode Island, 1988
Bachelor of Science, University of Rhode Island, 1981
American Colleges of Clinical Pharmacy
American Society of Hospital Pharmacists
Rhode Island Society of Hospital Pharmacists
Connecticut Society of Hospital Pharmacists
Dean’s List, University of Rhode Island
Sandoz Pharm. D. Award for “Excellence in Drug Information”, 1988
Hoescht‑Rousell Pharmaceuticals Pharm. D. Award for “Excellence in Clinical Pharmacy Award”, 1988
Honorary Alumnae Member of The University of Connecticut, 1998
Award for Ameritus Achievement in Institutional Pharmacy Practice from the Connecticut Society of Healthcare Systems Pharmacists, 1998
1999 Connecticut Quality Improvement Silver Award for Innovative Projects (Establishment of an Anticoagulation Clinic), this is the first step towards the National Malcolm Baldridge Award.
2002 DREAM (Dupont, Roche, Excellence in Anticoagulation) Award, June 4, 2002
2016 Alumni Achievement Award nominated by the Dean of the college Pharmacy for outstanding clinical work and research from the University of Rhode Island
Johnson SC: Effect of protein intake in the efficacy of levodopa in Parkinson’s disease. Drug Information Forum. US Pharmacist 1988 (accepted for publication)
Johnson SC: Dosing corticosteroids to mimic natural circadian rhythm of cortisol. Drug Information Forum. US Pharmacist 1988 (accepted for publication)
Johnson SC: Drug therapy in agoraphobia. Drug Information Forum. US Pharmacist 1988 (accepted for publication)
Johnson SC: Treatment of steroid induced acne. Drug Information Forum. US Pharmacist 1988;13(4):19.
Johnson SC: The rationale of combining oral hypoglycemic therapy with insulin. Drug Information Forum. US Pharmacist 1988;13(8):23.
Johnson SC: What drugs cause amenorrhea? Drug Information Forum. US Pharmacist 1988;13(8):24.
Johnson SC: Who should not take an aspirin every other day? Drug Information Forum. US Pharmacist 1988;13(9):22.
Johnson SC: Should athletes take salt tablets to replace sodium lost during exercise? Drug Information Forum. US Pharmacist 1989;14(8):59.
Johnson SC: Are calcium channel blockers useful for the treatment of leg cramps? Drug Information Forum. US Pharmacist 1989;14(8):59.
Johnson SC: A new angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor: lisinopril. American Academy of Family Physicians ‑ Home Study Self Assessment 1988:Monograph Update 111.
Johnson SC: Buspirone therapy in anxiety. American Academy of Family Physicians ‑ Home Study Self Assessment 1989:Monograph Update 123.
Johnson SC: Mesalamine treatment in ulcerative colitis. American Academy of Family Physicians ‑ Home Study Self Assessment 1989:Monograph Update 127.
Johnson SC: Zidovudine ‑ an update. American Academy of Family Physicians ‑ Home Study Self Assessment 1988:Monograph Update.
Johnson SC: New Treatment of Parkinson Disease. American Academy of Family Physicians ‑ Home Study Self Assessment 1989:Monograph Update.
Johnson SC: Omeprazole. American Academy of Family Physicians ‑ Home Study Self Assessment 1990:Monograph Update.
Johnson SC, Temkin LA, Massad AJ. A standard approach to pharmacological interventions in the Hospice Patients. Continuing Education Series in Pharmacy and Managed Care 1994;2:8-12.
Johnson SC: Treatment for urinary tract infections: ofloxacin versus other therapies. accepted for publication in April 1995 for Continuing Pharmaceutical Education article by Pharmacy Times, ACPE #057-999-95-041-H01.
Investigator and Site Coordinator, U.S. Thrombolysis Registry, Medical Research International, November 1992 to February 1994, $4870.00
Educational Grant- Comparison of the utilization and microbiological susceptibility patterns of cefotaxime and imipenem/cilastatin at our institution, Glaxo, May 1994
Site Coordinator, ASSENT II, Boerhinger Ingelheim/Genentech Phase III Clinical Study. January 1997-1998.
Site Coordinator, GUSTO-IV AMI Clinical Trial
SubInvestigator for COMPLY AMI Clinical Trial, Cardinal AMI
Principal Investigator for DVT Free Registry, educational grant funded through Aventis Pharmaceutical