Local Radio Station Interviews Suzette Strickland - ECHO Associates

Local Radio Station Interviews Suzette Strickland

The 1st Annual Suzette Strickland Golf tournament is being held on September 23rd.  This tournament is the brainchild of Charlie Strickland in honor of his wife Suzette, who was diagnosed with AML Leukemia in 2019. She was treated by Dr. Kapur and his fabulous team at ECHO and is now in remission. Having seen the financial struggles firsthand of fellow patients, the Strickland family has teamed up with The ECHO Cancer Foundation to launch this exciting event.  

Suzette Strickland was recently interviewed on 97.7 radio. She shares how tremendously grateful she is for unbelievable compassion and support she received at ECHO.  Click below to hear her story.

All proceeds from the tournament benefit the ECHO Cancer Foundation which provides is a unique, non-profit organization dedicated to providing support services, guidance, and education to cancer patients and their caregivers. Their goal is to address each patient’s individual needs so that no one lacks care or comfort while living with cancer.

Click here to learn more about the ECHO Foundation>