Now Looking for Clinical Trial Participants - ECHO Associates

Now Looking for Clinical Trial Participants

Are you age 50 and above, healthy, and looking to improve the future of cancer diagnosis? If so, we are looking for volunteers for a national clinical trial designed to identify biomarkers (tiny proteins) in blood to use for the early identification of cancer.

Biomarkers have been identified in patients with newly diagnosed cancers.  For validation of the biomarkers, more blood must be collected from cancer patients and blood will be collected from healthy subjects.  Healthy participants are needed to ensure these biomarkers are in cancer patients and not healthy patients.  The hope is that these biomarkers will be useful in identifying cancer in the very early stages. 

Subjects will receive a small gift card to cover expenses but otherwise, will not be compensated for participation.

If you are interested, please contact our Clinical Research Director, Dr. Susan Johnson, at for more information.  You will be asked to complete a health questionnaire to determine if you are eligible. See below for more details on eligibility requirements to participate in this study.

Exact Sciences Thrive LLC/ “Detecting cancers Earlier Through Elective plasma-based CancerSEEK Testing- Ascertaining Serial cancer patients to Enable New Diagnostic II (DETECT-ASCEND 2)

Inclusion Criteria: 

  1. Greater than or equal to 50 years of age 
  2. Subject understands the study procedures and is able to provide informed consent to participate in the study and authorization for release of relevant protected health information to the study investigator. 

Exclusion Criteria: 

  1. Prior or concurrent cancer diagnosis defined as: Any previous cancer diagnosis within the past 5 years (with the exception of basal cell or squamous cell skin cancers); OR Recurrence of the same primary cancer within any timeframe; OR Concurrent diagnosis of multiple primary cancers. 
  2. Chemotherapy and /or radiation therapy within 5 years prior to enrollment/sample collection. 
  3. IV contrast within 24 hours of blood collection 
  4. Individual has a condition the Investigator believes would interfere with the subject’s ability to provide informed consent, comply with study protocol, which might confound the interpretation of the study results or put the person at undue risk. 
  5. Participant has an active febrile infection prior to blood draw 
  6. History of allogeneic bone marrow, stem cell transplant or solid organ transplant