UBER Text Communications - ECHO Associates

UBER Text Communications

Depending on the type of Uber Health or Uber Central ride that is arranged, you may receive multiple text messages. See the type of messages for each ride option and the information they include below.

Types of text messages per ride option:

Immediate (on-demand) trips will trigger the following messages:

  • Scheduling confirmation
  • Driver accepted and arriving
  • Trip canceled (if applicable)

Scheduled trips will trigger the following messages:

  • Scheduling confirmation
  • Reminders at 9am the day before (unless the trip you’re scheduling will take place within an hour) and 30 minutes before the trip
  • Driver accepted and arriving
  • Trip canceled (if applicable)

Flexible rides will trigger the following messages:

  • Booking confirmation (with a prompt to request the ride, if same day)
  • Reminders with a prompt to request the ride
    • Trips booked for a future day: At 6pm the day before and 3pm the day of the trip.
    • Trips booked for that day: 2 hours after your company booked the trip
  • Request confirmation
  • Driver accepted and arriving
  • Trip canceled (if applicable)

By default, riders will receive text messages in the language your browser is set to. If you edit the language when arranging a ride, that language will be the new default for rider texts.

Information included in each text message type:

Scheduling confirmation

Sent as soon as you schedule the ride, it informs the rider:

  • Your company has scheduled a ride for them. The text will display the business profile name, which you can edit from Settings.
  • The date of the ride. If you scheduled a ride, it will also include the time.

The rider will also receive either:

  • A text when the driver is on their way (for immediate and scheduled rides)
  • Instructions on how to request the ride when they’re ready (for flexible rides)

The driver and vehicle information won’t be available when setting up the ride because the ride isn’t matched to a driver until just before the trip.

Reminders (flexible rides only)

Reminds the rider at 6pm local time the day before and, if applicable, 3pm the day of, that you’ve arranged a ride for them. The message also gives instructions on how to redeem the ride when they’re ready and tells the rider when the trip request link will expire.

Request confirmation (flexible rides only)

Notifies the rider that their ride has been redeemed and that they’ll soon receive a text with the driver’s first name, vehicle description, license plate, and estimated arrival time.

Driver accepted

Informs the rider of the driver’s first name, vehicle information, license plate, estimated arrival time, and contact information. The text also includes a link to track the driver in real time.

Driver arriving

Notifies the rider that the driver is arriving, and lets them know how to get help if they need it.

Trip canceled

Informs the rider that their upcoming ride has been canceled, and directs them to contact your company to reschedule.