What to Know…
ECHO is committed to sharing timely updates about prevention, treatment, and advancements in care. Each month we will feature different topics with insight from members of our care team. Check back regularly and talk with your care team about any questions or concerns.
The Value of an Oncology Clinical Social Worker
An oncology social worker provides emotional and practical support to cancer patients and their families throughout the cancer journey, including diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. ECHO is fortunate to have Antonio Okosky, LCSW who joined the ECHO team in July of 2024. At ECHO, he provides […]
February is Cancer Prevention Month
February is National Cancer Prevention Month in the United States. This month is dedicated to raising awareness about cancer prevention, early detection, and the importance of making healthy lifestyle choices to reduce the risk of developing cancer. Here is some helpful […]
Plastic Utensil Safety
Are plastic utensils safe? Not always. Plastic utensils can release harmful chemicals into food, especially when exposed to heat. Black utensils have especially been in the News lately. Below is helpful article published on December 10, 2024 by NBCNews.com. By Bethany […]
January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women globally. The National Cancer Institute estimates that each year in the United States, over 13,000 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed and about 4,000 women die of this cancer. The cell […]
Does Alcohol Increase Risk of Cancer?
The impact of alcohol and cancer risk has been recently featured in the news. A new U.S. Surgeon General’s report seeks to raise awareness about the link between drinking alcohol and developing seven types of cancer. This report was released […]